General Information

Making New Applications

It is so easy to apply for a water or sewer connection. All you need is;

  • Visit our area/regional offices and make an application formally by filing a new connection form. If you’ve not really made up your mind and would wish to know how much the materials would cost you first, then fill a survey request form.
  • You expect to receive a quotation in two days time. The quotation details materials required, material cost, deposit for meter, application fees and labour charge. (deposit amount depend customer classification and amounts change from time to according to current tariff)
  • Make payment as per quotation and submit a copy alongside required documents.

  • Water is installed within 7 working days from the day of payment.
  • You will be given between fourteen (14) days to thirty (30) days grace period before you are given an invoice otherwise called bill for water consumed

Raising a Complaint

A number of customers are often not satisfied what the product and services we offer but keep silent out of ignorance of the available channels to raise their concerns.

  • Visit the regional offices and see the customer care officer(s) who should solve the problem or give assurance when the problem is to be solved and by who. If the customer care officer(s) do not solve your concern, they will refer you to the area manager whom you have a right to see.
  • Call or send a short message to our customer care (each region has its own customer care contact).
  • Raise your concern through our website or through our social media platforms face book and twitter.
  • Every complain has a time line in which it must be resolved, always ask when your issue is expected to be resolved or check out for the service charter on the website or in our offices.

  • You can also raise your complain by visitin our website , click on connection tab, click on complain, choose your specific region, fill in the form detailed complaint and submit. Our customer care officer will get back to you in due time.


  • All accounts are to be disconnected when they fall due. Due dates for bills are indicated on the invoices and stated in sms notifications.

  • Once an account has been disconnected, it is charged Kes 500 as charge for reconnection according to the current tariff in force.
  • We therefore encourage our customers to pay bills in time.